cancel booking

Please cancel if you’re not travelling! Otherwise we may call you, which may be early in the morning, and this will delay our other passengers.

Scroll further down this page to find our refund policy and fees and to see what to do if you don’t need to delete your entire booking.




Fill in the form below and click the Send button. Take care to enter the correct details in case you have multiple bookings! If successful, you will land on our “Booking Cancelled” page and you will receive a cancellation email. We will then email you again if there is any refund due.




Log Into Your Booking and expand the appropriate section to delete only certain passengers from your group. Our Finance Team will email you within 7 days if any refund is due. You can also change the names of any passenger for free, provided this new person is still travelling on exactly the same flights, in both directions. Otherwise, they will need to make a new booking.




CHANGE A RETURN > SINGLE (only cancelling one way)


THE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW IS NOT FOR GENERAL ENQUIRIES! To find the correct email address for questions about our service, click on your airport: GENEVA Airport  |  LYON Airport  |  GRENOBLE Airport

We cannot change a Return Booking to a Single. Please cancel your booking using the form above (which will free up those seats on those buses) and then immediately re-book your Single via our website. Then immediately email ku.oc.subsneb@ecnanif quoting your old and new booking reference numbers to see if any refund is due.

If you upgraded to Ben’s Bus Plus, please do not upgrade your new booking. We will upgrade you once we receive your email. If you did not upgrade to Ben’s Bus Plus, the refund amount will depend on when you contact us.






Bens Bus PlusYour eTicket will tell you if you upgraded to Ben’s Bus Plus. If you did, you can cancel your booking and receive a 100% Refund on the cost of your transfer, provided we are told before 10pm, 4 days before your first transfer date. The cost of the upgrade is not refundable.






Refund PolicyIf your eticket does not mention Ben’s Bus Plus, then you chose NOT to upgrade when you first booked with us. Our Conditions of Sale allow you to cancel your booking at a cost of £15pp, up to 3 weeks before your first transfer date. After that point, we may not be able to refund you anything.



Change Ben's Bus Booking    Resend Ben's Bus eTicket